Steve Pavlina: Wealth & Money


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One of the pillars of personal development is undoubtly the financial aspect. Having an adequate level of wealth means we have access to enough resources which we can tap on in case of need, or just follow a path of exploration without being tied to needyness.Financial independence is the ultimate stage of the financial aspect of our lives, and it means we no longer need to work actively to earn a living.
We use money every day, however it is overly misunderstood. There is a common view of money as something dirty, corrupting, alienating, and so on. Steve Pavlina exposes all those limiting beliefs and provides a hands-on approach to abundance.
This app contains a selection of articles from the blog on the topics of Wealth, Money and Passive Income, presented in the convenience of a bundle which can be read anywhere offline, is simple and easy to use.
As Pavlina states himself, if you agree with everything he says, then you may be Steve Pavlina as well. I don't agree with everything he writes indeed. However I have found a "wealth" of knowledge on his writings that has given me food for though. My own approach to finances is changing for the better, and I hope the readers can benefit from the articles as well.
This app features a selection of +150 articles on the topics of Wealth, Money and Passive Income from the Steve Pavlina web site.
The articles have been un-copyrighted by Pavlina himself, and the contents are available for free on the web site.
Why buy this app then?
The main features provided by this app are:
- Quick access from your android device- Read the contents offline- Articles revolving a topic of interest, in chronological order- Table of Contents provide easy navigation to the different articles- Auto-bookmark to continue reading where left- Easy font size change setting
- All the articles written by Steve Pavlina (except Preface)- Mainspring Works does not necessarily endorse, approve or recommend the contents provided. - The app and contents are provided as is. Act with self-responsibility.- The articles are untouched from the original version.- The articles may contain affiliate links. In such case they maintain the original beneficiary (assumedly Steve Pavlina).